Generating solar power - your path to a sustainable energy source

February 22, 2024

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Generating solar power - your path to a sustainable energy source

Solar power - these two words stand for independence, sustainability and a clean future. In recent years, photovoltaic systems have developed from an environmentally conscious alternative to a serious and economical source of electricity that more and more people want to use. Whether homeowners or tenants, the options for generating and using solar power yourself are diverse and more attractive than ever.

But why should you go solar in the first place and how does it all work? This blog post offers you a comprehensive guide - from how a solar system works, the economic aspects and funding opportunities to practical tips for planning and implementing your own solar power supply.

Why solar power?

The reasons for choosing solar power are compelling:

1 Sustainability: Solar systems generate electricity from an inexhaustible source of energy - the sun. This reduces your CO2 footprint and actively contributes to climate protection.

2 Economy: Despite initial investment costs, the long-term savings from self-consumption and feed-in tariffs are considerable. Self-generated solar power is also cheaper than purchasing electricity from the energy supplier.

3 Independence: With a photovoltaic system, you are less dependent on rising electricity prices and energy providers.

4 Subsidies: Government subsidy programs and grants make investing in solar power even more attractive.

How does a solar power system work?

At the heart of every solar power system are the photovoltaic modules, which convert sunlight into electricity. This direct current is then converted into alternating current by an inverter, which can be used in the household or fed into the public grid.

What do you need to consider when planning?

1 location and orientation: For maximum yields, the modules should ideally face south and be mounted at an angle of around 30 degrees.

2 System size: Depending on your own electricity consumption and the conditions of the roof, choose the appropriate size of your solar system.

3 shade cast: Make sure that no trees or buildings shade the system and thus reduce the yield.

4 Technical components: In addition to the solar modules, the inverter, cabling and any storage systems are important components of a solar system.

Economic aspects

The economic efficiency of a solar system depends on various factors:

  • Feed-in tariff: You receive remuneration from the grid operator for the electricity you feed into the public grid.
  • Self-consumption: The more electricity you consume yourself, the lower your electricity bill will be.
  • Amortization: The purchase costs of a solar system are usually amortized after a few years through the savings in electricity consumption.
  • Subsidies: Take advantage of government subsidies and regional grants to reduce investment costs.

Subsidies and financing

Find out about the current subsidy programs at federal and state level. Subsidies can include grants, favorable loans or payments for the electricity fed into the grid. There are also special programs for tenants and homeowners' associations to lower the hurdles for installing a solar system.

Implementation and installation

When it comes to implementation, you should rely on qualified specialist companies that have experience in the planning and installation of solar systems. The choice of components should also be made carefully to ensure optimum performance and longevity of your system.

Plug-in solar - solar power from the balcony

An interesting option for tenants and homeowners are so-called plug-in solar devices or balcony power plants. These compact photovoltaic systems can be easily attached to the balcony and integrated into the home's power grid via a socket. Here, too, there are certain legal and technical requirements to be observed.

Further steps

To realize your dream of generating your own solar power, you should:

  1. determine your individual electricity requirements.
  2. compare different providers and products.
  3. take advantage of advisory services to check funding opportunities.
  4. obtain a quote from a qualified specialist company.
  5. have the installation carried out professionally.