Leasing solar systems: A comprehensive guide

February 22, 2024

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Why leasing solar systems can be a smart decision

Many people find it easy to decide in favor of a solar system when they think of the long-term benefits: lower energy costs, a contribution to environmental protection through the use of renewable energies and, last but not least, independence from rising electricity prices. However, the high investment required for a photovoltaic system puts many potential buyers off. This is where solar system leasing comes into play - an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of producing your own solar power without having to make the high initial investment.

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn everything you need to know about leasing solar systems: from the basics, costs and contract terms to the benefits and potential risks. We also shed light on the differences between leasing, renting and leasing and help you to find the best option for your personal situation.

Basic principle of leasing photovoltaic systems

Leasing a solar system works in a similar way to leasing a car: a lessor purchases the system and lets you use it in return for a monthly leasing payment. You remain flexible because you do not have to acquire ownership of the system and can decide at the end of the term whether you want to take over the system, extend the contract or return the system.

Cost-effectiveness of leasing: a cost-benefit analysis

As with any investment, the main consideration when leasing solar systems is cost-effectiveness. The monthly leasing installments should be offset or even exceeded by the savings on electricity costs and any feed-in tariffs for electricity fed into the grid. Let us calculate together how the costs of leasing a photovoltaic system compare to buying one and in which cases leasing is particularly worthwhile.

Term and contract terms in detail

The term of a leasing contract for photovoltaic systems is usually longer than for consumer goods and can be 20 years or more. At the end of the contract, you have several options that are individually defined in your contract. Make sure that the terms of the contract include clear provisions for maintenance, insurance and any repairs.

Leasing versus renting and leasing: what's the difference?

Although leasing and renting are similar at first glance, there are important differences, particularly with regard to the assumption of maintenance and repair work as well as the ownership structure. With a lease, on the other hand, the roof area is often leased to an investor who installs a solar system on it. We will show you the respective advantages and disadvantages and help you make the best decision.

Buy or lease? A direct comparison

For whom is leasing photovoltaic systems worthwhile and for whom is buying the better option? We compare both models and look at factors such as initial investment, monthly installments, insurance and operator risk. This allows you to make an informed decision that suits your financial situation and your long-term goals.