Self-sufficient power supply with solar energy: how you can live independently and sustainably

February 22, 2024

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Using the sun as an inexhaustible source of energy and becoming independent of external electricity suppliers - this is the dream of many homeowners and environmentally conscious people. In this article, you will learn all about self-sufficient power supply with solar energy, how to plan and implement it and what the benefits are.

What is a self-sufficient power supply?

Self-sufficient power supply means that you generate and consume your own electricity without having to rely on the public power grid. This works by installing photovoltaic systems (PV systems) and, if necessary, other components such as wind turbines, battery storage systems and energy management systems.

Why is solar energy ideal for self-sufficiency?

Solar energy is clean, efficient and available almost everywhere. Thanks to technological advances in recent years, photovoltaic systems have become more powerful and more cost-effective. Solar energy can be stored excellently and used for times when there is no sunshine.

Planning a self-sufficient solar power supply

Determining the energy requirement

Before you tackle a self-sufficient power supply, you should precisely determine your individual energy requirements. To do this, list all the electrical consumers in your household and calculate their energy consumption over a year.

Selecting the components

Select the components for your self-sufficient power supply based on your energy requirements:

  • Photovoltaic systems: The size of the system depends on your energy requirements and the geographical conditions.
  • Battery storage: You will need a battery storage system to ensure that you also have electricity at night or on cloudy days. The capacity of the storage system should meet your requirements.
  • Inverters: They convert the direct current from the PV modules into the alternating current required for domestic use.
  • Energy management system: An intelligent energy management system distributes the generated electricity efficiently and thus increases self-consumption.

Installation and commissioning

It is advisable to commission a specialist company to install the solar system. Once all components have been installed and connected, the system is commissioned, which is usually carried out by the installer.

Advantages of a self-sufficient solar power supply

  • Independence: You are no longer dependent on rising electricity prices and supply failures.
  • Ecological footprint: Solar energy is one of the most environmentally friendly energy sources.
  • Economy: You can save money in the long term as you no longer have to buy electricity.
  • Subsidies: Many countries have subsidy programs that support the switch to solar energy.

Challenges and solutions

Storage of solar power

The biggest challenge of solar energy is its storage. Modern battery storage systems are the solution here; they are becoming ever more efficient and cheaper.


The acquisition costs can be high, but are amortized over time through the savings in electricity costs.

Technical reliability

High-quality components and professional installation are crucial for a reliable, self-sufficient power supply.

Weather dependency

To remain self-sufficient even during longer periods of bad weather, you should plan a somewhat larger PV system and an appropriately sized storage system.