The importance of solar construction

February 22, 2024

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Solar construction refers to the process of designing, installing and maintaining solar systems that convert solar energy into usable electrical energy. The demand for solar energy is growing steadily as it provides a clean, renewable and increasingly cost-effective source of energy.

Steps to a successful solar project

1 Needs analysis and planning

Before you start installing a solar system, it is important to determine your energy requirements and analyze the local conditions. A professional needs analysis helps to determine the optimum size and orientation of the solar system.

2 Selecting the right partner

Choosing an experienced and certified solar installer is crucial to the success of your project. Look for quality certificates and references and choose companies with a proven track record.

3 Financing and subsidies

There are various financing models and state and regional subsidy programs for solar projects. Find out about the various options and take advantage of available incentives to reduce investment costs.

4 Installation and commissioning

The installation of a solar system should always be carried out by specialists. This guarantees safe and efficient commissioning and minimizes the risk of complications.

5 Maintenance and monitoring

Regular maintenance and monitoring are crucial to ensure the long-term high performance of your solar system. Modern monitoring systems make it possible to track the performance of your system in real time.

Different types of solar systems

Solar carports

Solar carports offer double benefits: They protect your vehicle and generate electricity at the same time. Installation usually involves erecting a stable structure and mounting the solar modules.

Floor-mounted systems

These systems are installed directly on the ground and are ideal if sufficient space is available. They offer a flexible arrangement and can be easily configured for optimum solar orientation.

Ballasted solar systems

These systems are particularly suitable for flat roofs or locations where penetration of the roof structure is to be avoided. They are stabilized by weights and do not require complex mounting systems.

Quality and precision in solar construction

With over 10 years of experience in the field of solar construction, we can look back on a large number of successfully implemented projects. From carport constructions to ground-mounted systems and ballasted mounting systems - quality and precision are our top priorities.

Our approach to your solar project

We attach great importance to maintaining a dialog with our customers right from the start. This is the only way we can ensure that all needs are taken into account and the best solutions are found. Our process includes a detailed project discussion, precise planning and professional execution of the construction project.

Safety on the construction site

Safety is our top priority. We follow the guidelines of certified safety management and ensure that all safety aspects are guaranteed during construction.

Why solar energy?

Solar energy is not only good for the environment, but also for your wallet. By investing in a solar system, you can reduce your energy costs in the long term and benefit from government subsidies. You also increase the value of your property and make a contribution to climate protection.