The optimum number of wind turbines per hectare

July 29, 2024
Roman Rittmann
The Growth-Engineer

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Wind energy is increasingly becoming a cornerstone of the global renewable energy landscape. As we strive to meet ambitious climate goals, the question of how many wind turbines can be optimally placed per hectare is of paramount importance. This inquiry is not only relevant for farmers and energy suppliers but also for regional planners and policymakers. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore the various factors that influence the optimal number of wind turbines per hectare, including land consumption, regional differences, political frameworks, and technological advancements.

Land Consumption and Planning

Land consumption is a critical factor in the planning and development of wind farms. According to the Fachagentur Windenergie an Land (FA Wind), an average of 0.47 hectares must be kept free of tree cover throughout the operational period of a wind turbine. However, this figure can vary significantly depending on the type of turbine and its location, ranging from 0.04 to 1.28 hectares per wind energy converter (WEC).

Effective land use planning is essential to maximize the benefits of wind energy while minimizing its environmental impact. For instance, siting wind turbines in areas with existing infrastructure, such as agricultural land, can significantly enhance land-use efficiency. A study by McGill University found that wind farms in such locations are up to seven times more land-efficient compared to those developed on unused land.

Regional Differences in Germany

In Germany, the distribution of wind turbines in forested areas varies widely by region. Northern regions often have restrictions due to state spatial planning, while southern and western regions like Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, and Baden-Württemberg host more turbines. This regional variation is influenced by local policies and geographical conditions.

Rhineland-Palatinate, for example, leads in the number of wind turbines, followed by Hesse and Baden-Württemberg. These regions have adopted more flexible policies that allow for the integration of wind turbines in forested areas, balancing the need for renewable energy with environmental conservation.

Political Framework Conditions and Targets

The German government aims to reserve 2% of the country's land area for wind energy use, with a goal of doubling the share of renewable energies in electricity generation to 80% by 2030. This ambitious target necessitates more than 100 gigawatts of power from wind turbines, highlighting the need for efficient land use and strategic planning.

These targets are part of Germany's broader strategy to combat climate change and transition to a sustainable energy system. Policymakers are working to create a conducive environment for the expansion of wind energy, including streamlined permitting processes and financial incentives for renewable energy projects.

Impact on Forestry

Many wind turbines are located in forests, introducing a new dynamic in forestry management. Wind energy can serve as an additional income source for forestry operations and support the transition to climate-resilient mixed forests. This dual benefit underscores the importance of integrating renewable energy projects with sustainable land management practices.

However, the installation of wind turbines in forests can also lead to habitat disruption and displacement of wildlife. Studies have shown that common forest birds are more sensitive to forest structure than to the presence of wind turbines. To mitigate these impacts, it is recommended to prioritize the installation of wind turbines in degraded forests with low conservation value.

Wind Power Versus Biomass and Solar Energy

When compared to biomass and solar energy, wind power offers a significantly higher energy yield per hectare. A single wind turbine can generate enough electricity to power approximately 6,000 households per hectare, whereas biomass from maize can only support around seven households on the same area. This efficiency makes wind energy a highly attractive option for maximizing land use.

Solar energy, while also a valuable renewable resource, typically requires more land area to produce the same amount of energy as wind turbines. Therefore, wind power is often the preferred choice for large-scale renewable energy projects, particularly in regions with favorable wind conditions.

Acceptance and Nature Conservation

Public acceptance and compliance with nature conservation requirements are crucial for the expansion of wind energy. Conflicts with bird sanctuaries or landscape aesthetics must be managed sensitively to ensure community support and environmental sustainability. Effective communication and stakeholder engagement are key to addressing these concerns.

New technologies also offer solutions to some of the environmental challenges associated with wind energy. For instance, the development of bird-friendly turbine designs and the use of radar systems to detect and deter birds from turbine areas are promising approaches to reducing wildlife impacts.

Technological Developments

Advancements in technology are enabling the construction of more efficient wind turbines with lower land consumption. Innovations such as low-wind turbines and improvements in turbine design are helping to optimize the number of wind turbines required per hectare. These developments contribute to the overall feasibility and attractiveness of wind energy projects.

New technologies also offer solutions to some of the environmental challenges associated with wind energy. For instance, the development of bird-friendly turbine designs and the use of radar systems to detect and deter birds from turbine areas are promising approaches to reducing wildlife impacts.


Determining the optimum number of wind turbines per hectare involves balancing multiple factors, including land consumption, regional policies, technological advancements, and environmental considerations. By carefully planning and leveraging new technologies, we can maximize the benefits of wind energy while minimizing its impact on the environment. This approach will be essential in meeting ambitious renewable energy targets and driving the transition to a sustainable energy future.

Wind energy holds immense potential for contributing to global sustainability goals. With thoughtful planning and continuous innovation, we can harness this clean energy source to power our communities and protect our planet. References:

  1. Fachagentur Windenergie an Land (FA Wind). "Land Consumption and Planning for Wind Turbines."
  2. McGill University Study. "Wind Farms and Land Use Efficiency."
  3. German Government Renewable Energy Targets. "Political Framework and Land Use Policies."
  4. Environmental Impact Assessments and Technological Advancements. "Balancing Wind Energy Development with Wildlife Protection."